29. November 2022

A Truly Special Occasion A Truly Special Occasion

Outstanding doctoral theses and student engagement were rewarded at the traditional winter soirée organized by the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn (UGB).

Following a two-year enforced hiatus due to COVID-19, the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn’s traditional winter soirée returned this year. Held in the main auditorium in the University Main Building, it included a ceremony at which the UGB prizes were presented in recognition of exceptional doctoral theses and student engagement.

Outstanding doctoral theses and student engagement were rewarded at the traditional winter soirée organized by the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn (UGB). - The UGB Chairperson Michael Kranz (right), with the prize winners and members of the selection committee.
Outstanding doctoral theses and student engagement were rewarded at the traditional winter soirée organized by the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn (UGB). - The UGB Chairperson Michael Kranz (right), with the prize winners and members of the selection committee. © University of Bonn/ Barbara Frommann
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“For us, the awards ceremony is a truly special occasion,” explains UGB Chairperson Michael Kranz. “The generous UGB prizes allow us to honor and support particularly talented early-career researchers who impressed the jury with their outstanding doctoral theses.” The Initiative Award also recognizes student engagement, he says. “In this area in particular, we never cease to be amazed by the dedication students show in contributing to University life.”

The €10,000 Doctoral Dissertation Award is given out for superlative doctoral theses of exceptional scientific relevance. This year’s recipient was Dr. Sebastian Winkelsträter, whose thesis is entitled “Figur und Ding, Mensch und Ding, Figurationen des Materiellen in Wolfram von Eschenbachs Parzival” (“Character and thing, person and thing: figurations of the material in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s ‘Parzival’”). The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Elke Brüggen from the Department of German and Comparative Literature and Culture.

The Bonn Award for Medicine is presented for excellent dissertations in the field of medicine. It is funded by the Prof. Dr. Rolf und Dr. Gisela Dederich-Stiftung, which provides the prize money every year. The €5,000 award was won by Dr. Anna Laura Potthoff for her work entitled “Auswirkungen einer pharmakologischen Inhibition von Gap Junctions durch INI-0602 auf die Therapie des Glioblastoms” (“Effects of the pharmacological inhibition of gap junctions via INI-0602 on glioblastoma therapy”), which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Vatter, Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurosurgery at University Hospital Bonn.

Dr. Jan Andreas Ruland received the Geheimrat Dr.-Edmund-ter-Meer-Award, which is worth €2,000. His thesis, entitled “Analyse der intranukleären Dynamik und des Exports der ribosomalen 60S-Untereinheit” (“An analysis of the intranuclear dynamics and export of the 60S ribosomal subunit”), was supervised by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kubitschek from the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry. With this prize, which is funded by the Geheimrat Dr.-Edmund-ter-Meer-Stiftung, the UGB supports outstanding dissertations from the field of chemistry.

This year’s UGB Initiative Award, which is worth €2,000 and honors exceptional student engagement, went to the exhibition group in the Department of Art History, specifically for its work on the Instagram exhibition entitled “Zoom – Behind the Scenes,” the hybrid exhibition “Was gips im KHI? Ein Rundgang durch das Paul-Clemen-Museum” (“What’s hiding in the Department of Art History? A tour of the Paul Clemen Museum”), the exhibition project “UnCovering CoverArt – Kunst und Musik im Dialog” (“UnCovering CoverArt – a dialogue between art and music”) and “the land around here,” an exhibition in the Kult41 cultural center.

The selection committee for the awards was chaired by Prof. Dr. Max P. Baur and also included Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Gärditz, the president of the General Students’ Committee, Chancellor Holger Gottschalk, Dr. Martina Krechel-Engert, Dr. Andrea Niehaus, Prof. Dr. Christian P. Strassburg, Thomas Regge and Prof. Dr. Ute C. Vothknecht.

Further information:
Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn – Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
Ingrid Wellen


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