Future Vision Medicine Bonn
We lead the University Medicine Bonn into a future with the highest scientific standards and national appeal.
The Medical Faculty:
- is a central part of the core profile area "Life and Health" at the University of Bonn.
- defined 5 core research areas: Immunosciences and Infection, Neurosciences, Cardiovascular Sciences, Oncology, and Genetics and Epidemiology.
- established two profile areas based on the research priorities:
The intention is the optimal development of research and its translation into patient care. This requires innovative departmental structures with flat hierarchies within the profile areas. The Medical Faculty establishes targeted support for young clinic and non-medical scientists. The goal is the development of innovative approaches in diagnostics and therapy - especially in the immunological/infectiological field as well as in diseases of the nervous system including their genetic basis. The overarching theme for the future is the digitalization of medicine. This includes the consistent collection of large amounts of data (big data) in research and patient care as well as their medical and bioinformatic analysis. Optimal use of data for scientific and medical progress is planned as a prerequisite for personalized precision medicine.

Translational research at the Faculty of Medicine is characterized by successful spin-offs and the establishment of commercial research service areas in LIFE & BRAIN GmbH. The concept of translational research will be developed further. To this end, a GMP Facility will be established and LIFE & BRAIN will be expanded into an interdisciplinary preclinical translational structure. The faculty and the university hospital fulfill the university medical obligation towards rare and neglected diseases. Thus, the Center for Rare Diseases is being further expanded. Also, a new research area Neglected Tropical Diseases of the DZIF with leadership in Bonn was established. In the future, structured training will be provided for all doctoral candidates in medicine. In addition to the Dr. med. degree, an MD-PhD can be obtained at the faculty. The project "Rethinking Medicine" with the foundation of a clinical campus Siegen of the Medical Faculty Bonn addresses questions of care for an aging population, especially in rural regions, by means of innovative medical informatics, technology and telemedicine applications.
Structure Plan 2018-2023
Structure and Development Plan of the Medical Faculty at the University of Bonn and the University Hospital Bonn.
Research at the Medical Faculty Bonn
The Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn is the most research-intensive medical university institution in NRW. Here research, clinical practice and teaching are closely linked. This leads to outstanding conditions for science. The Medical Faculty has defined five core research areas in terms of content in order to highlight scientific excellence, bundle resources and increase the (inter)national visibility of its location.
Research, Teaching and Patient Care interlinked
The central future topics of medicine are anchored in the strategic orientation of the Medical Faculty. The training of future physicians and researchers are of great importance to the Medical Faculty. Another important topic is the advancement of the digitalization in medicine. The collection of large amounts of data (big data) in research and patient care as well as their medical and bioinformatic analysis are to be consistently developed further with the aim of using them for the mutual benefit of medical and scientific progress.
Begrüßung der Erstsemester
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
Digitalisierung in der Medizin
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
Scientists conducting research at the Faculty of Medicine (as of 2023)
269.6 Mio
Euro Third-party funding income at the Faculty of Medicine in 2021-2023
Collaborative Research Centres with spokesperson function or participation in the Faculty of Medicine
Sarah Hammoud
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Saoussen Louati
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn