Third-Party Funding
Medical research is financed to a considerable extent by third-party funding. Applicants are confronted with a complex spectrum of different funding sources and instruments. Prominent third-party funding sources are:
National & Regional:
- Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
- German Research Association (DFG)
- Joint Federal Committee (G-BA)
- Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW (MKW)
The Medical Faculty would therefore like to support scientists in the selection of suitable funding formats and accompany them in the process of acquiring third-party funding. Further information on current calls can be found here (accessible from the intranet of the University of Bonn)
Are you planning to submit an application? Do you need assistance?
Simply write us an email at!
Information on:
Funding Advice
The Research Funding Department of Division 7 - Research and Transfer is the central point of contact for questions regarding research funding and the acquisition of third-party funding for research projects (national/international) at the University of Bonn.
Furthermore, the Department for Scientific Management of the Medical Dean's Office offers you an additional consulting service, especially for medicine-specific aspects of the application process. We would like to ask you to contact us at an early stage during the application conception.

Letter of Support & Commitment
Often, a letter of support or even financial commitments are required in parallel with the submission of a funding application, e.g. the assurance of basic equipment, the financing of an own contribution, the provision of the necessary infrastructure (e.g. rooms) or the guarantee of a position. Frequently, these commitments must be made by the director of the institute or clinic.
However, especially for larger applications or ERC grants, official letters of support or commitments are also expected from the faculty deanery. The issuance of such documents requires some lead time and often an official decision of the deanery is required.
Thus, please check early during the application preparation if relevant documents are required and contact us if necessary at least 4 weeks before the application deadline.
Service for the Application of Collaborative Projects
Are you planning an application for a collaborative project? Do you need administrative support for the coordination of the proposal writing and the communication with the other collaboration partners in order to have more time for the preparation of the scientific content of the proposal? We are happy to support you in this regard. Please contact us.
In addition, we would also like to point out the „EU incentive model for coordinators“ of the University of Bonn. Here you will receive as coordinator comparable support specifically for EU projects.

Further Offers
To an increasing extent, applications not only require information on the research program and proof of scientific expertise, but also detailed information on accompanying structures. This can include various aspects such as the support of young scientists, the communication of research results, the transfer of findings from science to application, etc.
For many of these aspects, the faculty already offers a wide range of additional services as well as competent advice from the responsible contact persons.
Dr. Lars Scharff
Science Management - Research
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
How to find us:
Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät
Venusberg-Campus 1, Gebäude 33, 53127 Bonn
(Right next to the Venusberg Bistro)
269.6 Mio
Euro Third-party funding income at the Faculty of Medicine in 2021-2023
119.7 Mio
Euro in DFG-funding
in 2021-2023
Collaborative Research Centres with spokesperson function or participation in the Faculty of Medicine