Funding Instrument 8
Advanced Clinician Scientist - application not possible at the moment
Funding for young medical scientists to consolidate and further develop their research - Advanced Clinician Scientist
The aim of this instrument is to strengthen clinical research after specialization training. The ACS scholarship is aimed at physicians from clinical institutions and gives them the opportunity to completely interrupt their clinical work after or shortly before their residency in order to exclusively pursue their scientific work, e.g. to complete their habilitation or to initiate the acquisition of extramural third-party funding. The remuneration is based on the collective agreement for physicians at university hospitals (TV-Ä, continuation of the step development during the funding period).
For who?
Physicians from clinical institutions with a specialist's degree or who are about to take their specialist's exam.

Required Qualification
- Habilitation
- Habilitation-equivalent achievements (according to habilitation regulations) or realistic attainability of habilitation in the next 3 years
Award Criteria
- Successfully evaluated funding through BONFOR Instruments 1 or 2, or equivalent funding programs.
- Evidence of own scientific research activity supported by publications.
- The scientific requirements are at least 10 independently peer-reviewed publications (original papers, case reports, reviews) published in journals listed in the valid list of the SCI Journal Citation Report or in PubMed.
- At least 6 of these publications must be original works (defined either as scientific works with newly collected data, or new analytical methods or statistical surveys of existing data, which generate new scientific knowledge) as first author or last author. In the case of high-ranking publications, this number can also be lower.
Personnel funds
Financing of own position, remunerated according to TV-Ä.
Core Facility-Services
Max. 3,000 € per year (exclusively CF established at UCB).
Max. 15,000 € per year (incl. animal costs and computer software, hardware support and technical equipment are excluded).
Travel and Publication Costs
Application for funding to cover travel and publication costs is excluded.
Duration of Funding
12 months with flexible terms in the second funding year
1st Funding year
12-month leave of absence for research activities at 100%.
2nd Funding year
Job split of 50% each spread over 2 years or 100% exemption again.
Continuation Funding
12-month continuation upon application and after positive interim evaluation of the first year of funding.
Combination Possibilities and Follow-up Funding
Step 1
Project Application
Submission of the project application via the BONFOR eApplication system.
Step 2
Appraisal & Decision
One internal and one external expert opinion, commission consultation
Step 3
Project Execution
12 months with flexible terms in the second funding year
Step 4
Evaluation & Project Presentation
- Final report on the date of account closure
- Documentation of external follow-up financing and publications achieved
- Presentation of the research project at the BONFOR symposium
Application & Deadlines
Submission of the project application including mandatory and additional documents via the BONFOR eApplication portal.
Project Application
Please use the following template to describe your project proposal:
Please use the following document for your project proposal:
Required Documents
The following documents are required for your application:
Project application (see template)
One page of summary of the research project
Curriculum vitae and scientific background of the applicant (with examination grades)
Doctoral Certificate
Specialist certificate or declaration to obtain specialist certificate in the next 12 months.
Habilitation certificate or statement in which time frame a habilitation or habilitation-equivalent achievement according to the habilitation regulations is expected to be achieved
List of publications of the applicant (proof of first own publications according to the above-mentioned award criteria)
If applicable, publication list of the supervising research group
- Signed guidelines for the use of BONFOR funds.
- Collaboration agreement(s)
- Votum of the Ethics commission
- Animal Testing Permit
- Further Documentation
Support of the research project by the management of the clinic or institute, documented by:
- Supervision agreement
from a professor of the Medical Faculty Bonn or proof of the ability to carry out the planned work in the own research group (e.g. proof of available laboratory space, infrastructure and personnel). - Workplace Agreement
From the responsible clinic/institute directorate for the BONFOR funding period applied for. - Employment contract1
This contract must exist at the latest from the application deadline and must extend at least 2 years beyond the BONFOR funding period. A possibly required extension of the employment contract can be applied for at the GB1 subject to the BONFOR funding approval (please clarify details with the BONFOR office in due time and before submitting the BONFOR application). In the case of 50% Gerok funding spread over 2 years, the share of the position financed by the clinic during this period will be credited to the two-year continued employment after the end of funding.
- Specialist certificate
or statement from the relevant hospital/institute director that the specialist certificate is expected in the next 12 months. - Clinical Commitments Statement
The clinic director and applicant must agree that the fellow will be completely removed from clinical operations during the grant period and will not participate in night or on-call routine care during this time during the week. Weekend on-call duties may be limited to a maximum of 2 weekend duties per month. They shall not result in any entitlement to compensatory time off. Compensation for these services and other unsteady pay may not be charged to the BONFOR account.
1 If the total employment period (= requested funding period plus 2 years of continued employment) is not completely covered by the employment contract: Application for job extension by the clinic/institute management for the remaining period, if necessary subject to BONFOR funding approval: see. UKB-Intranet: Kfm.Direktion - Geschäftsbereich 1 - Recruiting - Antrag auf Durchführung einer Personalmaßnahme (Note: in the case of 50% Gerok funding spread over 2 years, the residual share of the position financed by the clinic during this period will be counted towards the two-year continued employment after the end of funding).
Grant applications may be submitted at any time, but must be submitted via the BONFOR eApplication system no later than the application deadline for the respective meeting date.
PD Dr. Ildiko Racz
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Dr. Dorothea Schmitt
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn