Promotion of Female Scientists
Promotion of Women
Promotion of Female Scientists within the Framework of the BONFOR Program
BONFOR would like to pay special attention to the promotion of female scientists during the child-raising phase.
For who?
- Female Scientists within the Framework of the BONFOR Program

Funding Opportunities
Childcare Hours
Applications from female scientists who are in the process of professional reintegration after parental leave or family phase will be given special consideration.
Flexibilization of the Project Duration
BONFOR-funded female scientists (instr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8) with children up to 10 years of age can take advantage of a flexible funding period.
Family-related absenteeism of BONFOR-funded female scientists in instrument 1 (type A and type B) and 8.
Female scientists funded under these two instruments who go on maternity leave (not parental leave) during their project period receive three months of additional funding (pro rata personnel and material resources) to compensate for the family-related project interruption. It is granted under the condition that the scientist resumes her employment after 12 months of parental leave at the latest and returns to her project with at least 30% part-time work. This additional funding is granted irrespective of the session. The funds can be applied for informally.
Absence of the project manager due to family reasons
(Funding instrument 2, type A and type B)
For project leaders who go on maternity leave (not parental leave) during their BONFOR project period, the project is automatically extended by 6 months (pro rata temporis personnel and material funds).
This additional funding is granted under the condition that the scientist resumes her employment after 12 months of parental leave at the latest and returns to her project with at least 30% part-time work. After the end of the originally granted funding period, an intermediate report must be submitted within 6 weeks.
The project manager must ensure the supervision of the project and appoint an official substitute for the duration of her interruption of the project (transfer of project management on a temporary basis).
The additional funds are approved without regard to meetings and can be requested informally by mail.
Required Information and Documentation:
- Ensuring project support during the absence of the project manager
- Details of the doctoral student/TA employed in the project: name, date of hire, degree of employment (full-time, part-time).
- Statement of the continuation of supervision of the doctoral student/TA during the absence of the project leader.
- planned months of interruption
- sketchy description of the project progress so far
Project planning and goal setting for the remaining funding period.
planned date of submission of a grant application to a public funding institution - Confirmation letter from the Human Resources Department (UCB Administration GB 1) about the duration of parental leave.
- Planned extent of employment after return from parental leave
Catalog of Measures of the Equal Opportunity Office of the University of Bonn
The equal opportunities policy at the University of Bonn is based on the program "Perspective Science". The central objective of this program is to improve the opportunities and perspectives for women in science and research at the university, as well as to highlight the perspectives of female scientists in their role model function.
In order to attract and support young female scientists at the University of Bonn, the Equal Opportunities Office offers a comprehensive catalog of measures, which is tailored to the needs of the individual qualification levels.
PD Dr. Ildiko Racz
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
Dr. Dorothea Schmitt
Science Management - Coordination Internal Funding
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn