From Funding Application to a Successful Project
Funds management, Final report & Performance evaluation

Project Execution

Everything you need to know about guidelines and requirements for successful project execution in the BONFOR program.

Funds Management & Utilization Guidelines

The BONFOR program of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bonn is financed by funds from the state grant. For BONFOR-funded research projects, a separate third-party funding account is set up in the clinic administration (O-account).

Account Management

Only by consistently naming the BONFOR account on all procurement and hiring requests can incorrect allocations of third-party funds or regular budget funds be reliably ruled out.

The grant account is managed in GB2 of the UCB administration by Ms. Carmen Darmstädter and Ms. Annika Viedenz (department 2.1).

The UCB internal purchasing guidelines must be adhered to for acquisitions. The purchase of all required materials, services, pharmaceuticals, pharmacy products and capital goods is carried out centrally by Business Unit (BU) 4 by the Pharmacy and Central Purchasing departments. Procurement requests should be directed to the appropriate department within Division 4. Purchases outside the procurement guidelines are generally excluded.

Requests for recruitment must be addressed directly to the personnel service team responsible for the respective UCB institution in Business Area 1. The co-determination rights of the Staff Council under the State Staff Representation Act (LPVG) must be taken into account when hiring.

As a rule, the committed funds must be utilized in the period for which they were approved.

Usage Guidelines

The guidelines for the use of BONFOR funds are an integral part of the grant application. They apply unless expressly stated otherwise in the grant award. By submitting an application, the BONFOR-funded scientists and the management of the UCB institution in which the research project is located acknowledge their binding nature.

Final Report & Rvaluation of Success

To demonstrate the sustainability and success of the program, BONFOR is interested in the results of the funded projects and their further exploitation. In addition to the project presentation at the BONFOR symposium, the Commission therefore expects a final report for instruments 1 to 6. Furthermore, it requests information in the case of publications and follow-up funding from external funders that have resulted from BONFOR funding.

For each of these three reports, a separate input area has been set up in the BONFOR eApplication system. Since the success evaluation is carried out directly via the eSystem, only data submitted online can be taken into account. If you do not yet have eApplication access, you can request it by mail from the BONFOR secretariat.

Final Report

All BONFOR grantees funded by Instruments 1 to 4, as well as 6 and 8, are requested to enter their reports directly online into the form prepared in the BONFOR eApplication system no later than the funding account closure date.


The Commission also asks BONFOR grantees in the above-mentioned grant guidelines to enter their publications achieved in connection with their BONFOR grant in the BONFOR e-application system and to document status changes there - also beyond the end of the BONFOR grant (publication: in preparation/ submitted/ accepted/ published).

Publication of work supported by the BONFOR program must refer to this support.

Monetary Success Evaluation

The BONFOR funding guidelines serve to support young scientists in the various phases of their careers and as an initial boost for the acquisition of public funding, e.g. from the DFG, BMBF or EU (i.e. third-party peer-reviewed funding ). In order to determine the success rate, in addition to project-related publications, third-party funding obtained for research projects that build on BONFOR projects are therefore of importance.

The Commission explicitly asks BONFOR grantees to document their external third-party funding obtained after BONFOR project funding in the BONFOR e-application system and to regularly update the corresponding application status there - also exceeding the BONFOR funding end date (external follow-up grant: in preparation/ submitted/ obtained/ not obtained).


Avatar Racz

PD Dr. Ildiko Racz

Wissenschaftsmanagement - Koordination Interne Förderung

Venusberg-Campus 1

53127 Bonn

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