Latest News Fish to help in search for MS drugs New diagnostic option for rare eye disease Appetite change in depression DNA guardians out of control Many paths are open to neurons born early Science Live at the Arkadenhof Elevator helps bacteria to build an invisibility cloak Comparison of two nano rulers Covid-19: New energy for flagging immune cells Pitch Contest of the Medical Faculty Bonn Sperm are masters of tetris packing Molecule boosts fat burning NeurotechEU: Board of Rectors Meeting in Romania "Growing end" of inflammation discovered The Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn (UGB) presented its prestigious prizes for superlative doctoral theses and its Initiative Award for student involvement during its spring matinée. The ceremony returned to being held in person in the Arithmeum. Study by the University of Bonn: Cow's milk protein triggers autoimmune response in mice that damages neurons Food as therapy - nutritional patient care Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 at the University of Bonn specifically stimulate the RNA receptor RIG-I Study by the University of Bonn shows that neurons of stressed mice become less sociable EU funds projects worth millions in chemistry, immunology and computer science Dominik Bach is a new Hertz Professor at the University of Bonn and combines neuroscience with mathematics Excellent Performance in the QS Subject Rankings Researchers at the University of Bonn are treating mice with so-called "nanobodies" Mechanism identified at University of Bonn alters the coupling of nerve cells State of NRW promotes Research Networks Opening of the Teaching Building - Extension Building "Rector of the Year": Prof. Michael Hoch in second place FEMAPL: Tender Round started Obituary of Prof. Dr. Hanns Martin Seitz Graduation Ceremony again in the Gown on the Hofgartenwiese Previous 30 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 21 items
The Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn (UGB) presented its prestigious prizes for superlative doctoral theses and its Initiative Award for student involvement during its spring matinée. The ceremony returned to being held in person in the Arithmeum.
Study by the University of Bonn: Cow's milk protein triggers autoimmune response in mice that damages neurons
Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation2 at the University of Bonn specifically stimulate the RNA receptor RIG-I
Dominik Bach is a new Hertz Professor at the University of Bonn and combines neuroscience with mathematics